Monday, February 22, 2010

Getting Back to Normal?

Someone said to me near the end of radiation "Once you get thru these treatments you can get back to your old self ... you can get on with living your life ... just like before".

Stop.  Think.  Selah.

When a young soldier has been to Iraq and had friends die in his arms ... seen friends blown up in front of his own eyes ... has seen even his enemies shot to death.  Will he come home and be the 'same old guy'?  Don't think so.

If someone has been through invasive and scary procedures time and time again.  If they've been thru devastating chemotherapy ... then surgery that has left them mal-figured and sore ... followed by radiation that was supposed to leave them 'okay', yet they can't move their arm without pain 4 months later.  And then they're taking a drug for the next 5 years, that causes every bone in their body to ache.   Then the pervasive thought "What if IT returns?"

I don't think life will ever be as it was before I went to Iraq ..uh ... I mean went thru cancer treatments. 

I am dealing with life-changing anxiety ... and depression.

"He is close to the broken-hearted".  Be close to me, Jesus.  I believe.  I just don't feel. 


  1. Thank you for remaining transparent through this journey no one would have purposely chosen for you. Draw close to Jesus, and He WILL draw close to you. Of that, I am certain. I'm praying for you today, Diane.

  2. Jamie ... how surprised I was to see a comment. I was blest. I'm writing for 'me' now, not writing for a crowd ... not expecting any to be interested any longer. But you found me here! I am blest. Thank you, sister.
