Saturday, August 8, 2009


I decided to let my alter-ego write this particular blog entry. It needs to handle this whole thing like I should be handling it. You know ... well-balanced and less emotional. So here's what my alter-ego has to say ...

Hi. Diane's alter-ego here. I just wanted to tell you that I'm just going to face the next leg of this journey rather stoic-ly. I will do what I need to do. I will take the radiation therapy believing that all will be well. I probably won't have side effects, and if I do, it won't be bad, and if it is, then I'll get through it. It will pass,
and I won't be harmed. I trust my new radiation oncologist with my health. He's a smart guy. And why would I be the 1, 2, or 3 out of a hundred to get a secondary cancer from the radiation? I'm not going to waste my time by living in the future. Living in the future steals the joy from my today. So, I guess that's it. I'm bringing every thought captive, and refusing to let my mind take me places it shouldn't go. That would do no good. I'm in a good spot, and look forward to the day when this is over and I'm cancer free. And I know this won't come back. It was a challenging and character-building experience for which I am grateful.

Diane here again ... thank you for that interesting blog, alter-ego. I hope I can learn some things from you. Good nite.

1 comment:

  1. As usual another interesting blog entry. You certainly have been gifted with a creative mind. I look forward to reading your blog. So does your alter-ego ever really talk to you? You will be covered in prayer as you commence this part of your journey as you have been for some time. Interesting what you talk about with the possibilities of effects of the radiation. Your poll questions do intrigue me. I will make a choice. I want you to not be bothered in any way in your radiation treatments. I didn't know about the secondary possibility but when I think of that the first thought that comes to my mind is you are covered by the BLOOD of Jesus. In other words you are covered by the power above ALL things including radiation. I pray for you to be surrounded by a hedge of protection and for you to put on the full armor of God read(Ephesians 6: 11-20) each morning as you arise from your sleep. Take every thought captive as they enter your mind and discern who they have come from. Cast the ones from the devil as far as the east is from the west. Remember if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can speak to the mountain (problem, situation or any other name you might give to it) and it will be cast into the sea. Remember you are the daughter of the King and He is watching over you 24/7 - 365. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we send hugs and our love to you. Keep looking up from whence cometh your strength - when you are weak He is strong!
    Bob & Bobbie Roby Fort Worth Texas
